State report: 29% of TX first round HUD disaster funds drawn down, 0% 2nd round

Recent stories in the Austin American-Statesman, the Texas Tribune and the New York Times have chronicled the slow pace of the Texas Hurricane Ike and Dolly disaster recovery program using federal funds. Let’s step back and look at a snapshot of the state’s entire disaster recovery effort to get some perspective.

Here are the numbers and reported accomplishments drawn from the report.

Project                   Budgeted         Funds drawn down  Percent
Non-housing (round 1)     $603,045,524.00  $170,624,597.12     28%
Economic development        $5,330,800.00    $5,014,853.98     94%
Non-housing (round 2)     $296,310,075.00            $0.00      0%
Planning-non-housing       $59,348,333.00   $25,082,202.35     42%
Administration-non-housing $70.678,878.00   $30,911,784.48     44%
Housing (round 1)         $601,409,843.00  $191,911,260,34     32%
Housing (round 2)                   $0.00*           $0.00      0%
Planning-housing           $15,995,545.00      $834,618.88      5%
Administration-housing     $84,994,765.00   $10,324,106.38     12%
* There is about $1B budgeted for round 2 housing but none has been obligated.


The data is from a report the State of Texas has just submitted to HUD for the Ike/Dolly CDBG Disaster Recovery Program. This report covers the period through 12/31/2011.

Here is some more data the State of Texas has reported to HUD.

Total Round 1 projected budget: $1,489,428,330.67. Total Funds Expended: $434,703,459.49 (29%)

Limit on Admin/Planning: $155,673,642.80. To Date: $69,518,098.81 (45%)

Affordable Rental Housing: $348,708,959.87. Actual: $169,058,935.00 (48%)

The GLO contract with the Project Management Company (HNTB) has been amended and roles have been modified to reduce oversight costs and ensure elimination of duplicated services. A workshop is being planned for some time in April, 2012 for GLO to meet with current and prospective disaster recovery grant recipients to discuss progress on current projects, as well as provide guidance for changes that will be coming with the second round of grants. All Ike/Dolly Disaster Recovery projects are scheduled for completion by December 31, 2015.

There are 230 Infrastructure and Economic Development grantees under Round 1 totaling approximately $614.5 million. As of the end of this reporting period, nearly twenty percent (20%) of those grantees have completed their funded activities and are reaching the closeout process. Expenditures through December 31, 2011 for Round 1 Non-Housing Activities total approximately $201.7 million, or 32.83% of the amount funded.

There have been 49 Round 2.1 awards to various grantees for Non-Housing Activities totaling approximately $181.4 million. As of this reporting period end, two are still working with GLO to finalize the terms of their awards so that grantee contracts can be issued; 15 additional communities have received their contracts, but not yet returned them to the GLO for execution. There have been no expenditures to date for Round 2.1 Non- Housing Activities. Funds expended: 0%.

There are 18 Round 1 Single Family Housing grants totaling approximately $452.4 million. The City of Galveston had a major setback in their program. Their contract for Housing Grant Administration is being terminated and a new firm is being contracted by GLO to complete the program. Expenditures through December 31, 2011 for Round 1 Single Family Housing Activities total approximately $127.8 million, or 28.26% of the amount funded.

There are 19 Round 1 Multi Family Housing Projects totaling approximately $169 million. Expenditures through December 31, 2011 for Round 1 Multi Family Housing Activities total approximately $69.8 million, or 41.29% of the amount funded.

Applications have been received and are under review by GLO for all Round 2 Housing activities. Funds expended: 0%.

Now that all Disaster Recovery programs have been consolidated under the GLO, costs for Planning and Administration of the DR Program will be processed through a single agency. The State has a total of approximately $65.6 million for those services, of which just over $35.3 million, or 54% of the amount funded, has been expended through the end of the reporting period.

Based on the latest revised and extended timeline the State is scheduled to complete all Ike/Dolly Disaster Recovery activities by December 31, 2015.

Here is the full report from the State.

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