After Eviction

After Eviction

After an eviction, it is wise to utilize the resources that are available for those who are temporarily unhoused.

If you need help understanding the eviction process, you can view this resource from our Texas Tenant Advisor.

Continuum of Care: To find out about groups that coordinate housing and other services for homeless people in your region, click here.

General Resources

Here is a list of resources when navigating displacement.

Find Shelter – HUD

Provides information about housing, shelter, health care, and clothing resources in communities across the country.

Texas Criminal Justice Coalition

For those who may have criminal charges on their record searching for resources.

Texas Criminal Justice Coalition

For those who may have criminal charges on their record searching for resources.

TDHCA (TX Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs)

Find information about rental assistance, home repair, utility payment, and more.

HUD Resource Finder

Offers a tutorial on finding resources, affordable public housing, and more.

Low Income Housing

Find low income apartments, organizations that help with low income housing and HUD apartments, housing assistance agencies, supportive services for veterans and emergency service grants.

Find your local Community Action Agency

Enter your location here to find centers who may provide emergency rent, utility and food assistance to low- and moderate-income families in need.

Legal Help

Here you can locate who can offer legal services to you, oftentimes for free, in your area, if you feel your eviction was executed illegally and have a case to appeal.